2016 Caterpillar 950M
$119,500.00 USD

Category: Wheel Loaders
Machine Name: 2016 Caterpillar 950M
Machine Location:South Mills, NC
Serial Number: CEG-CAT0950MPFTR01154
Stock Number: 13-8948
Description: Cat 950M Waste Handler with Unique Configuration “High Lift” boom with roll out bucket equipped with hydraulic top clamp. Auto lube greasing system. Scale system and fire suppression system. Cab protection, matching Michelin tires at 85%+, very nice unit, tight all around with no leaks noticed.
Wheel Loaders
2016 Caterpillar 950M
$119,500.00 USD

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Dealer Information:
Southeastern Equipment Corporation (North Carolina)
South Mills, NC
Davis Mellott
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